Case managers helped prepare 315 clients for their release from prison. Their return to freedom is complicated by unaffordable housing and lack of funding for social services (Press release)

Better financing of social services, more affordable housing, and more systematic cooperation between prisons and non-profit organizations, for example in the form of the establishment of coordinators of cooperation with non-profit organizations among the Prison Service staff, can help to work more effectively with released prisoners in the Czech Republic. This and other topics of more effective support for people with addiction before and after leaving prison are highlighted in the recently published evaluation report of the project "Systemic Provision of Care for Imprisoned Drug Users and Its Subsequent Continuity after Release". During the duration of the project, 315 clients with addiction in 12 different prisons across the Czech Republic managed to prepare a plan for their release from prison. Professional social workers (case managers) were in contact with them from the first moments after their release until several months later.

# Partners

The project "Systemic provision of care for imprisoned drug users and its subsequent continuity after release" is financially supported by the financial mechanism Norwegian Funds 2014-2021 in the Justice Program. The project is implemented in partnership with the organizations Center for Drug Prevention and Therapy, o.p.s., KOTEC, o.p.s., Laxus z.ú., Magdalena, o.p.s., SANANIM z.ú., Společnost Podané ruce o.p.s.