Vojtěch Betka is an etopedist and therapist, a graduate of Charles University in Prague. He completed the psycho-dynamic therapeutic training of SUR. Since 2009, he has been working in SANANIM, for example in the positions of deputy head of the Contact Center, therapist in the Counseling Center for parents and in the Rehabilitation Center, head of the Center for Persons in Conflict with the Law. In addition to SANANIM, he also participates as a therapist in the Stop Violence program. Active member of the Drug Services Section of the A.N.O. prison. and a committee member of the Association of Prison Organisations.
Projekt „Systémové zajištění péče pro vězněné uživatele drog a její následná kontinuita po propuštění“ je finančně podpořen finančním mechanismem Norské fondy 2014–2021 v Programu Spravedlnost. Projekt je realizován v partnerství s organizacemi Centrum protidrogové prevence a terapie, o.p.s., KOTEC, o.p.s., Laxus z.ú., Magdalena, o.p.s., SANANIM z.ú., Společnost Podané ruce o.p.s.