Jana Řezáčová is a graduate of the University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice, majoring in social work and pedagogy. He has been working with people who use addictive substances for a long time. In the past, she worked as a field worker with people in the sex business and users of addictive substances. She also participated in the implementation of the THERAPEUT-VTOS research project at the University of West Bohemia. At the Center for Drug Prevention and Therapy, she works as a case manager of the project „Systemic provision of care for imprisoned drug users and its subsequent continuity after release“.
Projekt „Systémové zajištění péče pro vězněné uživatele drog a její následná kontinuita po propuštění“ je finančně podpořen finančním mechanismem Norské fondy 2014–2021 v Programu Spravedlnost. Projekt je realizován v partnerství s organizacemi Centrum protidrogové prevence a terapie, o.p.s., KOTEC, o.p.s., Laxus z.ú., Magdalena, o.p.s., SANANIM z.ú., Společnost Podané ruce o.p.s.