Six organizations are to set up systemic support for drug-addicted prisoners

The new system of support for prisoners using addictive substances will take place directly in prisons during preparation for release and after their return to normal life. Among other things, it aims to reduce the recidivism rate of prisoners in the Czech Republic. The recidivism rate is one of the highest in the countries of the European Union, with up to three-quarters of prisoners returning to prison after their release. Those struggling with addiction are a much more vulnerable group in this regard.

# Partners

The project "Systemic provision of care for imprisoned drug users and its subsequent continuity after release" is financially supported by the financial mechanism Norwegian Funds 2014-2021 in the Justice Program. The project is implemented in partnership with the organizations Center for Drug Prevention and Therapy, o.p.s., KOTEC, o.p.s., Laxus z.ú., Magdalena, o.p.s., SANANIM z.ú., Společnost Podané ruce o.p.s.